Philosophy - Recreation programs are designed first and foremost to be fun. They also provide superior physical development (flexibility and strength), challenging activity and a measure of success and accomplishment for the child. Our training camps are completely dedicated to helping students improve their gymnastic skills. Unlike many other gymnastics camps we don't use fillers, such as crafts, to fill the time allotted for the camps. Instead, we allow gymnasts more time to work on skills and improve their strength, balance and endurance as well. Our artistic camps are open to gymnasts of all levels, age 6 and up, including those in Foundations, Pre-Interclub, Interclub, Pre-Comp,
Structure - Our nationally certified staff will introduce exciting new skills that encourage balance, coordination, flexibility, and strength, to both the experienced and beginner students. Children are grouped according to their age and gymnastics experience. Crazy weekly themes and fun gymnastics games are incorporated into each daily session. All students should bring a snack.
Summer Camps registration is opening Friday, March 21, 2025!
Program Prerequisites - No Gymnastics Experience Required! Bring Water and a Snack!!