Safety and Conduct


There are many potential risks when individuals participate in gymnastic activities (including but not limited to Men’s and Women’s Artistic, Trampoline, Acrobatic, Parkour, and other Gymnastics for All activities). Participants in gymnastic activities acknowledge they are aware of; and may be exposed to, the risks, dangers and hazards of gymnastic activities. The risks, dangers and hazards include, but are not limited to:

  • Executing strenuous and demanding physical techniques and exerting and stretching various muscle groups.
  • Vigorous physical exertion, strenuous cardiovascular workouts, and rapid movements.
  • The failure to properly use any piece of equipment or from the mechanical failure of any piece of equipment or apparatus.
  • Failure to follow instructions or rules.
  • Spinal cord injuries which may render the Participant permanently paralyzed.
  • Serious injury to virtually all bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, tendons, and other aspects of the Participant’s body or to the Participant’s general health and well-being.
  • Abrasions, sprains, strains, fractures, or dislocations.
  • Concussion or other head injuries, including but not limited to, closed head injury or blunt head trauma.
  • Physical contact with other participants, spotters, spectators, equipment, and hazards.
  • Collisions with walls, any gymnastics apparatus, floors, or mats.
  • Falling, tumbling, or hitting any gymnastics apparatus, the floor, mats, or other surfaces.
  • Not wearing appropriate attire or personal equipment (e.g., grips).
  • Failure to act safely or within the Participant’s ability or designated areas
  • Contracting COVID-19 or any other contagious disease.
  • Privacy breaches, hacking, technology malfunction or damage.
  • Negligence of other persons, including other spectators, participants, or employees; and
  • Travel to and from competitive events and associated non-competitive events which are an integral part of the Activities
  1. All participants must sign the Release Of Liability, Waiver Of Claims, Assumption Of Risks And Indemnity Agreement before starting any activities at Flipside Gymnastics.
  2. This gymnastics facility may have uneven floor surfaces covered with mats and equipment. Watch where you walk.
  3. Observe and obey all posted signs and warnings.
  4. Follow the instructions of your coach and/or other Flipside Gymnastics staff members if required.
  5. Before attempting a new skill or progression, ask your coach.
  6. If you are using a trampoline, there must be spotters around the trampoline.
  7. Always use the equipment as it was intended.
  8. You must have sufficient physical dexterity, ability, and knowledge to safely engage in gymnastics activities. If in doubt, ask your coach.


Spring Break Camps!

birthdayFlipside Spring Break Camps are now open for Registration!

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Birthday Parties!

birthdayFlipside birthday parties are a great way to have fun!

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